Sprinkler Blowouts In Part Of Boise On Veterans Day

First of all, let me say happy Veterans Day to my fellow veterans! I will have to cut the day about 30 minutes before dark to be able to prepare for a special family dinner with our adult children and spouses, and parents celebrating Veterans Day and my wife's birthday at Tucanos in Boise.

I finished up a sprinkler blowout in Middleton that I had left in which I couldn't find valves the last time I was there, and then moved on to Star and finished all but two of them because neither Google, nor my Garmin GPS could find the addresses. I then went over to the Meridian 83646 to finish 5 that I ran out of time for the day before.

Today I will be doing sprinkler blowouts in the Boise 83702 and if there is time, part of the 83703. The majority of them are on city water, so want to make sure the backflows and vacuum breakers are emptied out. There are only 11 currently in the Boise 83702, so should be able to get those done in my sleep, (not far from actuality since I average about 4 hours of sleep each night), and there are 8 in the 83703 which I hope to at least cut in half today.

With the unbelievably warm air temperatures, the ground is still quite warm, so all you who are freaking out because you failed physics, (kidding) no need to worry about your sprinkler system. I stuck a thermometer probe in the ground 6 inches early this morning and the ground temperature was an awesome 64 degrees. Even when the temperature drops next week to the 30's, the ground temperature will still be quite warm, and the days will warm to the 50's.

I am planning on doing sprinkler blowouts in the 83716 on Saturday, and 83713 on Sunday, and then PROBABLY back to Meridian, but not sure yet. I will know more as the weekend comes to an end.

I updated our 2016 stats page.  We already have more than we did last year, and will get plenty more in during the next 2-3 weeks as we always do.  Click this link: http://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/blog/?p=1837

Regarding the turkey drive, thanks for those who donated. We were able to purchase 14 turkeys and delivered them Thursday evening.

Thanks to:

  • Bruce D. – $50 Donation
  • Phillip M. – $25 Donation
  • Sheryl M. – $20 Donation
  • Malinda B. – $5 Donation
  • Yvonne M. – $30 Donation

Although we personally donate turkeys every year, this is the first year that we invited our customers.  We may try this again next year.

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Sprinkler Blowouts in the 83716 Area For Today

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Middleton, Star, And Some Cleanup

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