We finished all the sprinkler blowouts that we currently had in Middleton except for one in which we found the main shut-off, but not a location to blow out the sprinklers or the valve boxes. In Star, we completed all but eight blowouts, so will swing by Star and Middleton again on our next pass.
Today we will be doing sprinkler blowouts in Caldwell for most of the day after going to Notus for one stop. If there is time left, I will start in the Nampa 83687. I generally do not do other repair work during sprinkler blowouts, but I have an icemaker to install which I had a work order for before starting blowouts. It took several days for it to arrive, which ended up in the middle of sprinkler blowouts. Fortunately, since I am the master repair wizard, 🙂 it will only take about 20 minutes to install.
Unfortunately, I have to cut my day about an hour shorter than usual to attend a family event I cannot miss. This rarely happens, as I work seven days a week until all sprinkler blowouts are complete, except for the 9th of November. (Wife’s birthday, a.k.a., “The Boss)
Now for the usual stuff: Please make sure gates are accessible, valve boxes are visible, (yes, please brush off the leaves so I can find them), If location of valve boxes is unknown, then timer access is a must, and if paying by check, please have them ready and made out to “The Maintenance Shop.” I don’t mean to sound like a broken record, but many of our new customers make checks out to “Treasure Valley Repairs”, which is our website. I still use the old joke that the site name and business name are different because I was in business before Al Gore invented the Internet. 🙂