I would have had Garden City totally finished yesterday if a few of our customers would had made sure that their valve boxes were visible, and gates were unlocked. I also visited one home that could have been avoided had they cancelled their blowout before I got there. It was not only a waste of time, they will now have a $25 non-cancellation charge. I REALLY don't like to have to get a trip charge, which is why I send out notifications by text the day before to give those who have gone elsewhere an opportunity to let me know. The one today not only did not respond to the email notification, he didn't respond to the text until late last night after I sent the non-cancellation invoice. I did receive some cancellation responses to last night's text, but then my question is why I wasn't told sooner. It would have cost them if I had shown up at the property today.
We have 6 sprinkler blowouts to finish in the 83714 before we move on. Five of these are from yesterday, and one is a new one that just came in last night. Once those are complete we will head to the 83716 for Saturday and at least part of Sunday.
We had a lot of nice responses to our new stats table with the tentative schedule attached, but most of them also told us that it wasn't totally visible. I re-designed it last night, and it should fit properly now for easy viewing. Wished I had checked it last night, but I am usually running on fumes by the time I get to the stats, and usually so exhausted I can barely see.
Sorry, no image today, but since we currently have only 16 in the area, we should easily have them finished by Sunday evening.
How many sprinkler blowouts we have, number completed, number left. All sorted by zip code: http://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/blog/?p=1400
How to help protect your sprinkler system while waiting for a sprinkler blowout: http://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/blog/?p=146