December 2016

Finishing Up Remaining Sprinkler Blowouts Requested Before December 5

Their was some good snow melt over the weekend, so it should make it much easier to find valve boxes and for heads to pop up that aren't weighed down with snow.  Not all the heads have to pop up; the air will blow out the water through whichever heads do pop up.  It's just […]

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Sprinkler Blowouts To Resume Monday If Weather Permits

This will be my last post until Monday morning. I am giving the snow a chance to melt off some more before I resume sprinkler blowouts. It is hard enough sometimes to find valve boxes under normal conditions when they are not uncovered as our customers have agreed to do when they submitted their request, […]

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No Sprinkler Blowouts Today

We managed to get through half of our sprinkler blowout list before the roads within the subdivisions got too difficult and dangerous to drive in.  We were starting to run into problems finding the valve boxes when covered with 3"+ in snow, which really slowed us down.  Even if our customers had their valve boxes […]

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