October 2016

Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder…….

I didn't exactly stay in the area I wanted to for sprinkler blowouts on Sunday. I was following my GPS around as per normal, but wasn't watching as closely as I should have to stay within the boundaries that I had specified for yesterday. Always trying to hurry, I would delete the stop I just […]

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Working In Nampa On Sunday, October 30

I will be doing a few sprinkler blowouts in Caldwell that I wasn't able to finish yesterday, and then moving on to the Nampa 83686. I was unable to get to Nampa at all yesterday, which I am not surprised. Nothing against all renters, but 75% of the homes on my Caldwell list are rental […]

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Caldwell Today With Possibly Some Nampa On The Side

We finished all the sprinkler blowouts that we currently had in Middleton except for one in which we found the main shut-off, but not a location to blow out the sprinklers or the valve boxes. In Star, we completed all but eight blowouts, so will swing by Star and Middleton again on our next pass. […]

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