October 2015
Sprinkler Blowouts In Caldwell And Part Of Nampa Today – October 25
Sprinkler blowouts went extremely well in the Boise 83706 on Saturday. We finished up all of our current list of the area except for one because they had no port to connect to for the blowout, and picked up a few more that stopped us along the way. We finally hit all the Boise area […]
Sprinkler Blowouts In The Boise 83706 Area Today And A Rant – October 24
Sprinkler blowouts went a little slow yesterday because there weren't as many in the 83716 and 83712, and they were spread further apart which meant a LOT of drive time. We finished all of the 83716 except for one, because amazingly, they didn't know we were coming. Hmmmm…… We also finished the ones who were […]
Sprinkler Blowouts In The Boise 83716 And 83712 Area Today – October 23
We cleared up all but two sprinkler blowouts in Eagle yesterday. One we couldn’t gain access, and the other, well, we ran out of time because of a few system issues we ran across. All in all, it was still a good day. Of course a new one from Eagle came in yesterday while we […]