November 2014
Sprinkler Blowouts Will Resume Tuesday In The Boise 83709 – November 18
We are going to be back on the road Tuesday for sprinkler blowouts in the Boise 83709 zip code. There are 21 sprinkler blowouts currently in this area to do, and with the current weather conditions it will take us at least two days to complete before we move on to another area. Valve boxes […]
Treasure Valley Sprinkler Blowouts
This is the first time in almost 15 years, and from doing almost 10,000 sprinkler blowouts that we have been hit with such a storm putting a temporary halt on our blowouts. At this point, until some of the snow melts off the yards the sprinkler blowouts will be difficult to do. The snow is […]
Closing Down Sprinkler Blowouts For Friday Due To Weather
We finished sprinkler blowouts in Middleton and Star on Thursday, but it was REALLY rough going. Due to the snow, it took forever to find valve boxes, and sometimes even the main, valve boxes were stuck to the ground and were hard to remove, solenoids were hard to open, sometimes even with the timer, exterior […]