October 2014

We Are Doing Sprinkler Blowouts In The Boise 83709 Zip Code Saturday – October 25

We didn't finish the Meridian 83642 sprinkler blowouts like we hoped we would because we ran into problems with a few systems, and had a couple of properties with acreage of 25 zones or more.  It left 9 on our current list, but we added in a few more properties this evening from the 83642 […]

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Sprinkler Blowouts In The Meridian 83642 Area On Friday – October 24

We didn't finish sprinkler blowouts in the Meridian 83646 during the two days we were there, but we made a really good dent.  We would have finished almost all of them had we not run into locked gates.  We had over 50 sprinkler blowouts to do in the area, and got all of them but […]

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Meridian 83646 For Two Days Straight

We finished all our current list of sprinkler blowouts in Nampa on Tuesday, but then came back to my office and found two more for Nampa that came in while I was gone. We will make another round in Nampa when we get some other areas done. Wednesday and Thursday we will be doing sprinkler […]

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