October 2011

Finishing Up Sprinkler Blowouts In Eagle And Then Heading To Boise

I had three large farm properties to blow out in Eagle on Wednesday, so didn't get through my entire Eagle list.  Another GREAT reason why I do not make appointments.  You never know what you will run in to…… If you have submitted a sprinkler blowout request in Eagle, these are the streets I will […]

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Eagle On Wednesday

We had a good day today completing 16 sprinkler blowouts in Meridian 83646.  Still several more to do in Meridian, but and will get back to them sometime this weekend. We will be in Eagle on Wednesday, October 26, so make sure if you cannot be home that you leave me full access to your […]

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Sprinkler Blowouts Continued But A Sad Day

Part of my day today was interrupted with a visit to the vet with our 12 year old Black Lab, Belle.  She was diagnosed with cancer in the advanced stages and would have only lasted a few more days so had to be euthenized.  It came on very quickly; she was only sick for 4 […]

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